Who Has Got My Valentine
Tune: This Old Man
Valentine, Valentine,
Who has got my Valentine? Number 1, number 2, number 3 it must be YOU! Take
my heart along with you.
Game: Similar to Lucy Locket - students sit in a circle, one child carries a paper shamrock (or you could use
a pot of gold, rainbow, etc.) around the circle. When the song gets to "Number 1, number 2, number 3 it must be you",
the child points to the next 3 children as he/she walks behind them. The "number 3" child is now "it" and the old "shamrock
carrier" sits in the circle.
Variation 1: The former "shamrock carrier" joins onto the new carrier (like a train) - continue until all children are
on the train
Variation 2: Play ala "Duck Duck Goose" - after the "shamrock carrier" taps the third child, they race in opposite directions
around the circle. Whoever is last getting back to the original spot is now "it".
As I Went Out to Play (p. 210)
(from An Orff Mosaic from Canada, ed. Lois Birkenshaw-Fleming, Schott Music Corporation, New York, 1996)
Grades K - 2
Concepts: Pitch, movement, dramatization, language development, creativity
This is such a beautiful poem!! It would be perfect for creative movement as well as fitting it with pitched
& non-pitched percussion!
A Valentine
Frost flowers on the window glass, Hopping chickadees that pass, Bare old elms that bend and sway, Pussy willows
soft and gray. Silver clouds across the sky, Lacy snow flakes flitting by, Icicles like fringe in line That is
outdoor's Valentine.
This poem could very easily be set to music and used with K's to experiecne high & low, as well as moving in a circle.
Love is a Circle
Love is a circle, Round and round, Love goes up, And love comes down, Love is on the inside, Trying to get
out, Love is whirling and twirling about!
Five Big Valentines
Five big valentines from the corner drug store
I mailed one to a friend - then there were four
Four big valentines, lovely ones to see
I mailed one to my Mommy - then there were three
Three big valentines - red, shiny, and new
I mailed one to my Daddy - then there were two
Two big valentines, the best is yet to come
I mailed one to Grandma - Then there was one
One big valentine, the giving is almost done
I mailed it to Grandpa - and now there is none
Sweetheart Dance - sung to "Skip to my Lou"
Cut large heart shapes out of red, yellow & blue construction paper. Give each child one heart and have the children
stand in a circle. Then sing the song below & have the children follow the directions. Change the activity/add more verses.
Have fun!
Red hearts, red hearts, take a bow Yellow hearts, yellow hearts, take a bow Blue hearts, blue hearts, take a bow
Now all hearts jump up right now.
Yellow hearts, yellow hearts touch the ground Blue hearts, blue hearts touch the ground Red hearts, red hearts touch
the ground Now all hearts turn round and round.
Blue hearts, blue hearts, sit right down Red hearts, red hearts, sit right down Yellow hearts, yellow hearts sit
right down Now all stand and run to town! (run in place)